net gradient

net gradient
net gradient
The net gradient of climb throughout these requirements [Annex 6/I] is the expected gradient of climb diminished by the manoeuvre performance (i.e. that gradient of climb necessary to provide power to manoeuvre) and by the margin (i.e. that gradient of climb necessary to provide for those variations in performance which are not expected to be taken explicit account of operationally).
(AN 6/I)
чистый градиент
Чистый грaдиeнт прeдстaвляeт сoбoй рaсчётный грaдиeнт нaбoрa высoты, умeньшeнный зa счёт хaрaктeристик мaнeврирoвaния (т.e. тaкoгo грaдиeнтa нaбoрa высoты, кoтoрый нeoбхoдим для oбeспeчeния мoщнoсти в цeлях выпoлнeния мaнёврa) и зa счёт допуска (т.е. такого градиента набора высоты, который позволяет компенсировать изменения характеристик, как правило, практически не принимаемые во внимание при эксплуатации).

International Civil Aviation Vocabulary (English-Russian). 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "net gradient" в других словарях:

  • Gradient electrochimique — Gradient électrochimique Pour traverser la membrane d une cellule, un ion est soumis à un gradient électrochimique (ou driving force des anglo saxons), qui s exprime par la différence entre le potentiel de membrane (Vm) de la cellule et le… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Gradient Électrochimique — Pour traverser la membrane d une cellule, un ion est soumis à un gradient électrochimique (ou driving force des anglo saxons), qui s exprime par la différence entre le potentiel de membrane (Vm) de la cellule et le potentiel d équilibre de l ion… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Gradient électrochimique — Pour traverser la membrane d une cellule, un ion est soumis à un gradient électrochimique (ou driving force des anglo saxons), qui s exprime par la différence entre le potentiel de membrane (Vm) de la cellule et le potentiel d équilibre de l ion… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • gradient — Rate of change of temperature, pressure, magnetic field, or other variable as a function of distance, time, etc. atrioventricular g. the diastolic …   Medical dictionary

  • Conjugate gradient method — A comparison of the convergence of gradient descent with optimal step size (in green) and conjugate vector (in red) for minimizing a quadratic function associated with a given linear system. Conjugate gradient, assuming exact arithmetic,… …   Wikipedia

  • Electrochemical gradient — An electrochemical gradient is a spatial variation of both electrical potential and chemical concentration across a membrane; that is, a combination of the membrane potential (delta psi) and the pH gradient (delta pH). Both components are often… …   Wikipedia

  • Pressure-gradient force — The pressure gradient force is not actually a force but the acceleration of air due to pressure difference (a force per unit mass). It is usually responsible for accelerating a parcel of air from a high atmospheric pressure region to a low… …   Wikipedia

  • Potential gradient — A potential gradient is the local space rate of change of the potential with respect to displacement.In electrostatics then, it is the local space rate of change of the electric potential:: mathbf{E} = delta V / delta s [http://niuhep.physics.niu …   Wikipedia

  • Hopfield net — A Hopfield net is a form of recurrent artificial neural network invented by John Hopfield. Hopfield nets serve as content addressable memory systems with binary threshold units. They are guaranteed to converge to a local minimum, but convergence… …   Wikipedia

  • electricpotential gradient — electric potential gradient n. The net difference in electric charge across a cell membrane. * * * …   Universalium

  • fly net — a form of stake net, q.v., with up to a dozen stakes used to support the trap and up to 35 stakes to support the leader. May be set singly or in several set in line, usually on beaches with a fairly gentle gradient, cf. jumper net …   Dictionary of ichthyology

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